Remix season has begun folks! In the next few weeks, be on the look out for the unleashing of several Remix Wizards that will give you the chance to (legally) remix some great bands. To kick it off, we have a catchy little number by the Bayliens called “Bubble Gum”, which some of you may have heard on Wild 94.9. They released a video for the song last week (see below), and now they want you to get your remix on!

The Bayliens: Enzyme Dynamite (left) & Jay Three (right)
For those of you who haven’t been around the Bay Area hip hop scene recently, it’s safe to say the Bayliens have landed. Since dropping their debut release “Crop Circles” over a year ago, their incessant touring and energy on stage have made them one of the bay’s most loved artists. Now they’re following the footsteps of bands like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails by releasing stems for others to remix. Click here to download the stems for free, or to make a remix in the web-based MixMaker.
Produced by Dublin Beats, Crop Circles is an accessible mosaic of hiphop sounds fused with an electronic and often futuristic twist. The song features vocalist Cait La Dee, who teams up with Enzyme Dynamite and Jay Three to deliver an instant west coast classic! Get a feel for who the Bayliens are by tuning in to their “Zany 360” radio show on Fuzic.
To check out, vote on, and grab submitted remixes of Bubble Gum, go here. While you’re there, try making your own mix using the online MixMaker.